Thursday, 31 July 2014

Day 167 - diy pencil case

I found a link to buy one of these on pinterest this morning and after a bit of planning managed to create one in a whizz. It's very cool and practical, it solves the problem I have with rummaging around. Definitely going to make more of these for gifts.

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Day 166 - diy notebook

Made a notebook for college with some sections for different subjects and a handy post it holder on the front.
Made from recycled cereal box, a lined refill pad, some old leather, nice fabric and a few bits of card. 

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Half way break...

Its been a little while since I've posted anything, thats not to say I haven't been creating things, but its been mostly food and as always I eat it before I think about blogging it. Anyway, I am currently on a sort of holiday (still working) before I begin my new hectic life as a student and worker next year, I intend on continuing my project but it will definitely not be daily, possibly not even weekly. I have hit the half way mark in my 365 (though it has taken me almost a year to complete just that much) I will complete it but who knows when...
In the words of Arnie, "I'll be back..."

For now here are some artistic photos and moments from my last week or so...

Friday, 4 July 2014

Day 165 - star biscuits

So simple and yummy, I didn't have a recipe I just made stuff up and it tasted good so here it is. I made them into stars to honour my new found addiction for Pokemon, which somehow I have missed until now...

100g flour 
100g marge
75g light brown sugar
75g oats
1 tbsp poppy seeds
1 tbsp golden syrup
1 tsp vanilla essence

Cook at about 160 - 180 for 25 minutes, flipping half way. Sprinkle lightly with sugar when cooling. Yum!

Monday, 30 June 2014

Day 164 - Doodling cats

Now that I have become a fully fledged cat lover I have to make up for some lost time and learn how to draw them. So I started sketching pictures of Tormund from my phone, then used the internet to have a closer look at eyes and paws and poses. After all that I let loose with some ink and had a lot of fun painting my kitty. The end result was pretty yet when I put it on my phone to crop it I had a play with some effects and ended up on a negative version, which I like very much.

Saturday, 28 June 2014

Day 163 - carnival masks for kids

At school we were making masks and headdresses for a Brazil inspired carnival. I had a lot of fun making bright feathers and beaks from card and decorating the with chalks and pencils.

Day 161 - headphone decoration

Everyone seems to have the same headphones around here so it was time for me to make mine look a bit didn't. Pretty easy solution using silk threads and a basic knot to add a bit of colour.

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Day 162 - lunch bag

Yet another back to college bit of kit. I've seen these all over the place and I wanted one. It is not yet complete as I am struggling to get the fabric through my sewing machine as it is a plastic coated washable surface and wants to stick to everything. So more on this when I win the battle...

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Day 160 - Galaxy blazer

I've been waiting to try this for a while I just needed the right fabric to work with. Me and my little sister had a lot of fun dabbing, splattering and generally making a pretty coloured mess. This is a gift for our older sister, a chic scientist so this is perfect for her.

Monday, 16 June 2014

Day 159 - tea -ramisu

I love the idea of tiramisu but I am not a fan of coffee so I created a tea based alternative.
I used Earl Grey as it has a very distinct flavour which I soaked the sponge fingers in. I crush bourbon biscuits to make a chocolate soil and whisked cream cheese, double cream and icing sugar for the filling. Layer it all up topping with soil and some fresh fruit,  blueberries and strawberries worked well and made it look like a mini garden.

Friday, 13 June 2014

Day 158 - Cardboard crazy snooker tunnels

inside the tunnel
This is the best invention we made, we wanted to turn the snooker table into a kind of mini golf, so we started with a ramp and then created a box of tunnels which kick the ball out in unexpected places! Its fantastic what you can make with cardboard and sticky tape!

Monday, 9 June 2014

Day 157 - Cardboard skii ball

Another cardboard game for our mini arcade. Skii ball is hard I don't think anyone won any prizes from this game but it was fun.

Day 156 - Lemon curd shortbreads

This recipe had been a massive hit among my friends, I have already made it a couple of time. It's quick, easy and cheap to make and is extremely satisfying to share. Here is the recipe, get baking! 

Friday, 6 June 2014

Day 155 - diy cardboard roulette wheel

So this turned out better than I expected. I am supposed to be having a garden gathering tomorrow but the weather is stormy looking, so for an inside contingency I am creating some carnival esque games. This roulette wheel is made from two milk bottle tops two cocktail sticks, some card, paint and sticky tape. I made a circle of card which I divided into 14 sections and painted alternating Black and white (after spending some time thinking about the distribution of numbers.) The cocktail stick and bottle caps create a good spin as they are shiny and flat. Add a pointer and it's good to go.

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Day 154 - diy clock

Hard work does pay off. I have spent many hours chiselling out a square for the battery pack to go in so the mechanism would go through enough. Hard but worth it, I drilled holes for the number marks and put tiny cogs in for a little sparkle.

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Day 153 - distressing wood with acrylic paint

Time for a break from the sofa job, today I have made a start on another idea, (though you'll have to wait and see what it is!) So far I have just taken an old horrible chopping board and added a bit of distressing colour using acrylic paint and sand paper. Which works just as well as chalk paint but cheaper.

Day 152 - stage 2 sofa upgrade

Stage two had been a very long process. First I had to take our the seams of the first cover to make it a teensy bit bigger then if course I needed to make matching covets for the other two sofa's and finally I could get on with cushions which is no where near finished. It's taking a while because I am recycling the feather stuffing from the old cushions. Which as you can imagine is dusty and feathery work. I decided to go for random shapes and sizes for the cushions so it would be simple enough to repeat. Gonna need alot more.

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Day 151 - stage 1 sofa upgrade

That's one part of the sofa covered, I made a slip to fit over the arms seat and back to keep all the cushions in place. I only have another two seater and large corner sofa to cover and a lot of cushions... Much more to follow. eventually.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Day 150 - Plans for the sofa

I finally found some fabric in the charity shop, enough to cover the two main sofas in my living room. I made a start but only managed to cut my fabric before work yesterday, so here are my measurements and plans. More to follow...

Friday, 16 May 2014

Day 149 - herb crusted salmon and roast potato salad

Watching Masterchef always gives me inspiration to cook something special. Today I cooked my first salmon fillet, I made a crust of rosemary, chilli, lemon, toasted hazelnuts and parsley. The potato salad is made with roast potatoes and mixed with cream spring onion fresh cumin and mustard seeds.

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Day 148 - making jewellery

I am opening my house up for an arts trail soon so I decided to make a new range of necklaces to sell. I am enjoying getting creative without any pressure.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Day 147- waterfall ladder braid

Had a little practice with a waterfall and ladder braid on Tam's hair. Pretty fiddly but straight thick hair is helpful to try.

Day 146 - bread bowl with dipping cheese fondue

One of my yummiest concoction ever. Very simply I cut the bottom off a whole loaf of bread (two infact) which had been cooked strangely resulting in a super hard crust. You can do this with stale bread and I reckon a fresh would work too.
Anyway after sawing the bottom off and hollowing the loaf out to leave a crusty bowl I then mixed cream cheese, grated Cheddar, some double cream, spring onion, chilli and seasoning. I added slices of pork sausage to one but left the other veggie. Spoon the mixture into the bread trencher. Wrap in tinfoil and bake at 350 for 1 hour. Then tear, dip and share . Perfect for Game of Thrones night.

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Day 145- playing card case

For my friends birthday I made him a double deck holder for his magic the gathering cards. I've used Velcro for the fastenings and given the whole thing a lining.

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Day 144 - fairy garden

After the mini herb garden was invaded by aliens of the slimy kind I had to investigate ways to protect my plants. The Internet has a lot of great ideas that don't involve outright killing them such as copper coins, to add some personal flair and try something new I made my herbs into a fairy garden. It is still ongoing (I haven't even added in last night's lantern fairy house) but I love it and may have a new addiction. As you can see I glued old copper coins all around the rim encasing my herbs and buried some in the soil.

Day 143 - fairy house lanterns

This is to go in my new and improved herb garden which I will share later today or tomorrow as it is not quite complete. I used a clean jam jar and acrylic paint mixed with mod podge to paint my faery tower. For the lid I glued individual pine cone seeds into a gentle spire. It's a little air tight with the lid on despite poking lots of holes so when the candle is lit it just sits on top. Tam made one too. 

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Day 142 - studio chaos finally defeated!

Throughout this project and most of last year I have been battling against my studio. A place for hoarders, junk and some useful junk piled on top of each other. Finally I have a few major boxes to go through and then it is perfect. I'm pretty proud of how it looks right now but it can still be better, and it wont be long now! 

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Day 141 - sweetheart blouse

After the phone disaster of last week I haven't had the means to blog for a while. I have been doing things though so here is a little peak at a blouse I am creating from a dress and an old shirt. It's only loosely basted together currently as I am still working on it.

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Day 140 - Quick temporary fix for smashed phone screen.

Well I am a complete numpty and managed to drop my phone yesterday, yeh the new shiny one I was so chuffed with. Anyway I fell down a hole and let go of it and it flew and smashed the screen in many places. Luckily the touch screen still works, it is just the glass cover that is smashed. So for now I have coated the whole thing in sticky back plastic to keep all the shards in place and protect my little fingers for the time being. I have ordered a new screen as apparently screen damage is not covered on the insurance, it is 'cosmetic damage' and was going to cost me £75 excess fee to get it fixed. I much prefer the £10 spent on ebay for a replacement screen and a tool kit to fix it. So lets see, Thursdays blog may be very interesting...

Friday, 18 April 2014

Day 139 - mini herb garden

Very simple post today, merely planted some already established herbs in a big box and made a home for it. Here is the man giving them a little water while kitty drinks from the jug. 

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Day 138 - the satchel!!

It is complete. I encountered a few issues with the inside but in the end I won! The inside has been specifically designed to hold an a4 and a5 pad plus pens pencils and highlighters. If I was to do it again there are a lot of things I would do differently, as leather gets difficult to work with when there are corners and multiple layers. The inside is attached to the main bag with poppers so I can take it for adjustments or easy access.  Ready for student life, I am!

Monday, 14 April 2014

Day 137 - Satchel progress

I posted the plan for this over a week ago, between work and socializing I have managed to get it to a semblance of complete, I just have some tough hand stitching to do before I start on the inside. I have to say, I'm pretty proud of the outcome, it is pretty much what I had in my head, and have coveted for quite some time. Anyway it is by no means finished, but it has certainly progressed since the cut out panels I posted last week. The short sides have zip fastenings so the whole thing opens a bit like a briefcase and the studs are all poppers. More pictures to come one its finished.

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Day 136 - More patio

This is a slow job, but it is worth it. Just have to pray there is little rain over the next few days so I can get out there and carry on. Thanks to Tam for all her help yesterday, I'm going to need to collect some more stones soon too. Its growing!

Day 135 - Buttery swede soup

I'm sharing this because it was such a successful invention, I went shopping with the intention of buying something interesting to make soup with. I found a swede and decided some form of butter and swede concoction was the plan.
First I cooked onions and leeks in butter, let them sweat until they were soft and translucent. I added in cubes of swede and about five cloves of garlic, and even more butter. I let this cook down in the butter for a while before adding a couple of potatoes. I let it stew until all the vegetables were soft and a little sticky before I added two pints of vegetable stock and brought it all to a boil. I seasoned it with salt, pepper, parsley and rosemary and left it to simmer for about an hour (or an epic game of Magic!)
When everything was cooked and soft I pureed it to a nice silky consistency, this was about the point when I realised this was going to work, it went really smooth and was basically the colour of butter. I added another chunk of butter to glaze my soup and stirred in a splash of cream just before serving. It went down pretty well, and I now know exactly what to do with suede!

Unfortunately, everytime I ate this I was too preoccupied to take a photo. So you'll have to make it yourself to see how it turns out :(

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Day 134 - pine nut and spinach pasta salad

This is a particularly easy but tasty recipe. We made a large batch to store, practice for lunches once I start college.  Anyway it's so easy the ingredients are spinach, pine nuts and hard cheese with a dressing made of oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper and garlic salt.  That's it, wilt your spinach and cook your pasta then chuck the rest of it together.  Yum!

Friday, 4 April 2014

Day 133 - Deconstructing a suitcase, soon to be a satchel

I haven't made anything yet for this, but I thought I'd share my plan and where I am so far. I deconstructed a tatty old suitcase that has just been taking up room for years. After a little play with the panels I decided to go for a classic satchel look, now I have to see if this leather will go through my machine of if I'm going to have to go all cave-man stylee on this and use an awl and a sewing needle.

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Day 132- diy garden patio

Seen as the sun was shining today I got outside and started laying stones for a little path/patio. Its only a small section bur I'm already in love. 

Saturday, 29 March 2014

Day 131 - fabric covered notice boards

I'm taking a little break from the stationary mostly because this project distracted me.  I used an old Cork board and cut it into circles, then in the same fabrics as my pen pots I covered each circle using mod podge to stick it down.  They are cute and dinky and much better than the giant board it used to be. 

Friday, 28 March 2014

Day 130 - the long stationary sort

I'm moving around my studio step by step trying to focus on the little things. At the moment its another set of mini drawers for all those tiny stationary bits. For now I've just made some little cardboard boxes to hold all the staples.  It's been a very long time since I've made any net boxes.  This keeps the different sizes separate and easily accessible.