Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Day 100 - lets all eat cake

So as a little break from the rug making I thought I would make a cake slightly inspired by the soap I made for Christmas.  A basic lemon sponge, loved from the midnight sponge but without chocolate.  I added the zest of two lemons and a very small squeeze of juice. Oh and a large sprinkling of poppyseeds . The rest of the lemon I added to a pan of simmering butter and sugar to make a zesty drizzle. I had some cream to use up too and I thought wouldn't if be great make lemony cream.  So i mixed the left over drizzle with icing sugar to form a paste that I could mix into the cream without it curdling and I must say that this is the best invention ever.  Just mix it together and it become this smooth rock lemon mousse/fool. It's pretty lucky I remembered to take a photo!

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Day 99 rug making continued. ..

Still making this rug, going a little mad but it's getting there.  Here I am sporting it as a lovely hat.  What do you think?

Saturday, 25 January 2014

Day 98 - ragging a rug for the bathroom

This is going to take a few days, but it'll be worth the work when I can chuck the old mats away. I made some rugs like these for my sisters it'll be nice to have my own set.

Friday, 24 January 2014

Day 97 - diy wedding decorations: fabric roses

Once again I am helping to decorate a wedding, my little sister this time, plans are well underway and today we made a start on some fabric roses to adorn the tables, wjile enjoying the Great Gatsby.

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Day 96 - creative writing brainstorming

I'm getting back into reading and writing now i'm not running around organising markets. In the times I would be doing admin jobs I can enjoy a good book, which always inspires me to write. This is a page of scrawlings, random ideas and notes from research I have found over the last few days. I'm not ready to share any specifics but suffice to say there will be a certain steampunk element. 

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Day 95- diy cat bed

I have missed a fair few days throughout this project, I didn't want to be strictly doing something everyday but instead producing quality finished projects I need or want. So far I have made so many little useful things around the house and I still have many ideas, though in the future there will be larger projects on the go. Today I have put my sewing machine back into play and made Tormund a little cat sized sofa. Something that has been on the to-do list forever! I used an old pillow for the base and some old bedding for the back and sides. The fabric is left over from the slippers I made mum for Christmas and some pretty curtains.

Day 94 - a little doodle

Its been a really long time since I've just drawn a picture.  Some of my boats last year were sketched or doodled but they weren't my usual style. This picture was inspired by the book I am currently reading. Ancestors of Avalon my Marion Zimmer Bradley.

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Day 93 completed pen roll

This was a very simple idea, it took me  coulple of days to finish around work. But it could have been much more quicker if I had just gotten my sewing machine out.
I used two fat quarters of fabric a small sample of fabric and some ribbon. First I pinned the ribbon into loops to hold my pens. I used the pens to measure and space the loops. After I stitched them down I added  simple pocket for my other pens. With both my fat quarters together wrong side to wrong side I stitched the edges over and folded the bottom hem up to form another long pocket this should stop and escape.

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Day 92- pen roll part 1

Today I have been working on a handy pen roll to keep my nice sets in. I am probably going to make more for my sketching pencils as well. I have only stitched down the pockets and loops so lots of sewing to do tomorrow. 

Monday, 13 January 2014

Day 91 - diy keyring

In an effort to remember my keys I have made a keyring from some charms and trinkets I've kept hold of.

Saturday, 11 January 2014

Day 90 - Lip balm holder

I am forever losing my lip balm, at the moment it lives in the pocket of my work uniform, but that means if I'm going out I forget it. Today's little creation should mean that I can carry it around with me everywhere I go. I used felt and wool so there was no hemming or anything tricky, I mostly just wrapped it up like a present and stitched.

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Day 89 - Another costume creation

I am working on a very simple costume for a friends party, I have adjusted and adorned some overalls to become Kaywinnet Lee Frye (Kaylee) from Firefly (one of my favouritest series ever!) All thats left to do is take up the legs a bit so they don't sweep the floor.

Monday, 6 January 2014

Day 88 - Wishing jar for 2014

I found this idea on Pinterest and thought it was particularly sweet. The idea is to fill a mason jar with items that represent your goals and resolutions for the coming year. I have a fair few resolutions but I couldn't find tokens for them all so I have a coin for saving money, a picture of Stonehenge for more adventure, a miniature envelope to write more letters, a clock pendant to use my time better, a music sheet origami crane which has multiple meanings. Foremost, I must play the piano more, but the crane symbolises, luck, money, happiness, loyalty, good order and many more things I can appreciate.

Friday, 3 January 2014

Day 87 - Jewellery holder, display

Today I have built myself a handy jewellery display and holder. I used some wooden bowls and an old lamp stand and got a bit handy. It was surprisingly easy, just a matter of screws, hooks and a bit if hand-drilling. Now I have somewhere tangle free to keep all my necklaces with small storage for rings and a larger space for boxes. Very suited to my needs and looks good in the bedroom too. :)

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Day 86 - Calendar complete

Seen as I've missed a few days I thought I'd share the finished Calendar before work and start afresh tomorrow. So here is the completed look, it's already hung up and ready for action. It took a while but I think it was worth it, it's certainly more personal than a shop bought one.

Day 85 - January to December ready for compiling

It's been a couple of days since my last post, but I have been busy completing my calendar pages amid partying and recovering. I hope everyone had a great new year and are already on the way to a better, more productive, more creative, more mad year than the last...
So hopefully by this time tomorrow I will have a full calendar to share and of course write on!